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Auditory Cognition and Human Memory Lab

School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading
Director: Philip Beaman

We look at all aspects of auditory memory, including the involuntary recollection of musical memories ("earworms"), and auditory distraction. In particular, we are interested in the effects of distraction on immediate memory tasks and the metacognitive strategies that may be employed to enhance recall and avoid or reduce distraction.

Auditory Cognition and Psychoacoustics (CAP)

Lyon Neuroscience Research Center CNRL
Director: Barbara Tillmann (team); Olivier Bertrand (institute)
Affiliated Graduate Programs: Doctoral School in Neurosciences and Cognition

Perceivers' brains track complex sound structures, keep signals in memory, learn regularities between sounds, build up knowledge and use this information to expect and anticipate future events. These expectations shape the perception of upcoming signals: processing of an expected event is faster and more accurate, less stimulation is necessary and less neural resources are engaged. Listeners' expectations can be based on perceptual, sensory information only (i.e., previous sounds stored in an auditory memory buffer) and/or on cognitive influences, such as attention or listeners' knowledge about systems underlying the auditory signals (e.g., linguistic and musical systems of one's culture). Our research is investigating perceptual and cognitive expectations with their behavioral and neural correlates. The team is multidisciplinary with complementary competences (e.g., psychoacoustics, psychology, neurosciences) and methodologies (e.g., behavior, EEG, SEEG, PET, fMRI, MEG); it also develop links with clinical research (e.g., coma patients; patients with hearing disorders or linguistic and musical deficits).

Auditory Lab

Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University
Director: Laurie M. Heller
Affiliated Graduate Programs:Psychology Ph.D., Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition

Our research examines the human ability to use sound to understand what events are happening in the environment. Our perceptual experiments address whether there are acoustic cues that reveal attributes of sound events, and how our knowledge of these cue-attribute relationships influences our discrimination of sounds, labeling of sounds, navigation using sound, and production of gestures. We have also examined how this knowledge influences which brain regions are recruited during the perception of sound events and whether audition plays a significant role in the perception of multi-modal events. This basic research relates psychological performance to acoustic properties and high-level auditory information. At an application level, the results of this research have the potential to enhance hearing aids, navigation aids for the visually impaired, automatic sound event recognition, and auditory displays.

Auditory Perception and Action Lab (APAL)

Department of Psychology, University at Buffalo State University of New York
Director: Peter Q. Pfordresher
Affiliated Graduate Programs: Cognitive Psychology Ph.D., General Psychology M.A.

We are broadly concerned with how the brain conceptualizes complicated event sequences typical of music and speech and the conditions under which this ability breaks down. Various lines of research are currently underway to achieve this goal. Lab facilities are designed to accommodate a number of paradigms, including vocal production, keyboard production, motion capture, and perceptual tasks.

Auditory Perception Laboratory

Department of Communication Disorders, Ariel University, Israel
Director: Leah Fostick
Affiliated Graduate Programs: within the Department of Communication Disorders

Auditory Perception Lab provides a framework for studying auditory processing in various populations. Current research is done on the response patterns of sequence perception, and the implication of central auditory processing and language, emphasizing temporal processing. Major research applications are in dyslexia, aging and sleep deprivation. The auditory processing lab is in the department of communication disorders, and is attached to the department's speech and audiology clinic.

Auditory Perception Laboratory

Department of Psychology, James Madison University
Director: Michael D. Hall
Affiliated Graduate Program: Psychological Sciences M.A.

The laboratory is interested in identifying and understanding general perceptual principles that govern the recognition of common auditory events, including speech (e.g., phonemes), nonspeech (e.g., musical instruments), and environmental noises. These interests extend to the perceptual organization of events in complex auditory arrays/scenes, including attention to perceptual attributes that are critical to distinguishing sound sources.

Carleton Perception Lab

Department of Psychology, Carleton College
Director: Julia Strand

Our work deals with how humans perceive speech and recognize spoken words. Some of our research topics include: audiovisual integration (i.e., combining information about talking faces with what we hear), the influence of expectations and contextual information on spoken word recognition, the role of individual difference factors (e.g., cognitive abilities, personality, etc.) in spoken word recognition abilities, quantification and mathematical modeling of the processes underlying spoken word recognition, and the cognitive effort necessary to understand speech.

Institute for Communication Research

The Media School, Indiana University
Director: Rob Potter
Affiliated Graduate Program(s): M.A. and Ph.D. in Media Arts & Science (click here for more information).

Potter's research focuses on the impact of auditory elements on information processing of media, psychophysiological measures as indicators of cognitive and emotional responses to media, and the concept of advertising clutter and its influence on information processing. His work has been published in Media Psychology, Communication Research, Communication Monographs, among others. Potter's book Psychophysiological Measurement and Meaning: Cognitive and Emotional Responses to Media (with Paul Bolls) was published in 2012 by Routledge. He is past Chair of the Information Systems Division of the International Communication Association and serves on the editorial board of Communication Research, Media Psychology, Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, and Communication Methods and Measures. More than a decade of experience in the radio industry as a promotions director, research director, and program director, guides both his teaching and research.

Language and Music Cognition Lab

University of Maryland, College Park
Director: L. Robert Slevc
Affiliated Graduate Programs: Psychology, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science

We investigate the perceptual and cognitive mechanisms involved in language and music processing.

Language and Music Perception (LAMP) Lab

Department of Psychological Sciences, University of San Diego
Director: Laura Getz

Our lab takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying auditory perception. Our research encompasses speech, cross-modal, and music perception using a combination of behavioral, cognitive neuroscience, and computational modeling approaches. Recent projects have investigated links between auditory and visual perception, visual influence on speech perception, context effects on speech perception, how music choice impacts product perceptions, and links between music preferences and personality.

MAPLE Lab (researching Music, Acoustics, Perception, & LEarning)

McMaster University, School of the Arts (Music)
Director: Michael Schutz
Affiliated Graduate Program(s): within the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour and potentially Linguistics & Languages (click here for more information)

The MAPLE Lab conducts empirical research exploring the psychological roots of the musical experience. We investigate musically-inspired questions such as how a performer?s body movements affect the way audiences ?hear? music, why ?moving-to-the-beat? improves the auditory experience, and how composers and performers communicate emotional meaning. Through this work we aim to contribute to issues of broad relevance to auditory perception and cognition: assessing theoretical frameworks of audio-visual integration, exploring sensorimotor interactions, and investigating parallels in the communication of emotion in language and music. Consequently, we are invested not only in contributing to core issues in music cognition, but also applying our findings to a broad range of topics in cognitive psychology, music pedagogy, cognitive neuroscience, and auditory perception.

Music Cognition Lab

Departments of Music and Psychology, University of Arkansas
Director: Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis
Affiliated Graduate Program: Ph.D. in Psychology

The Music Cognition Lab at the University of Arkansas is interested in the interface between musical structure and engagement, especially in listeners without formal training, and especially as it occurs dynamically across the course of the listening experience. We use a combination of empirical methods (behavioral and neuroimaging studies), quantitative analysis, and theoretical approaches to tackle fundamental questions about the human passion for music.

Music Perception and Cognition (MPaC) Laboratory

Department of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), The University of Texas at Dallas
Director: W. Jay Dowling

The MPaC Lab aims to understand how listeners process and understand various aspects of the music they hear.

Neuroscience and Music at UFABC

Interdisciplinary Unit for Applied Neuroscience, Universidade Federal do ABC, S?o Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil
Director: Patricia Vanzella
Affiliated Graduate Program: Graduate Program in Neuroscience and Cognition

Neuroscience and Music at UFABC is an interdisciplinary project devoted to the study of music cognition with a special focus on neuroscience. It was implemented in the beginning of 2015 in the Interdisciplinary Unit for Applied Neuroscience (NINA) at the Federal University of ABC. Our aim is to stimulate research in the field of music cognition in order to achieve a better understanding of how our brains perceive, understand, remember, imagine, produce, and react emotionally to music.

Perception, Ecological Action, Robotics, and Learning (PEARL) Laboratory

Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
Director: Michael K. McBeath
Affiliated Graduate Program: Psychology (Cognitive Science) Ph.D.

The Perception, Ecological Action and Learning Laboratory (PEARL) focuses on computational modeling of perception-action in dynamic, natural environments. Specialty areas span sports, robotics, audition, music, navigation, and multisensory object perception. In the realm of auditory science, the PEARL Lab mainly investigates natural regularities and invariants in the vein of Bregman, Gibson, and Shepard. We use fMRI, multidimensional scaling, psychophysical methods, and analyses of naturalistic field recordings to uncover these regularities and discern their contribution to perception of the overall auditory scene. We also investigate music preference, auditory memory, and audiovisual interactions.

Performing Arts Research Lab (PeARL)

College of Visual and Performing Arts, Texas Tech University
Directors: David R. W. Sears and Peter Martens
Affiliated Graduate Programs: Fine Arts Ph.D., Music Theory M.M.

The Performing Arts Research Lab (PeARL) uses a combination of interdisciplinary experimental and computational methods to address fundamental questions about the composition, performance, and reception of music, theatre and dance, and the visual arts. We focus primarily on learning and memory for musical organization, the formation of expectations, and emotion and empirical aesthetics. The lab employs methods from psychophysics, cognitive psychology, psychophysiology, corpus linguistics, information retrieval, systematic musicology, and music theory and analysis.

Sensory Neuroscience, Attention, & Perception Laboratory (SNAP Lab)

Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Director: Adam S. Greenberg
Affiliated Graduate Programs: Ph.D. in Neuroscience/Experimental Psychology; Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

In the SNAP Lab we study the neurobiology of attention and perception in both the visual and auditory domains in order to understand how human behavior is guided by the world we perceive. Our primary interests are in auditory/visual attention, object perception, and perceptual organization. Most of our research questions center around how humans control their behavior in response to visual/auditory stimuli and which underlying psychological processes, or which brain mechanisms, are involved. We use psychophysical techniques as well as functional MRI, DTI, TMS, and computational modeling to gain insight into the cognitive control of attention under conditions of auditory & visual stimulation.

Word Recognition and Auditory Perception Lab (WRAP Lab)

Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Villanova University
Director: Joe Toscano
Affiliated Graduate Program: Master of Science in Psychology

The WRAP Lab studies how human listeners recognize speech and understand spoken language. Investigating language processing as it happens is central to our approach, and we use a combination of computational, cognitive neuroscience, and behavioral techniques to study these processes. Our research addresses questions about the acoustic characteristics of speech sounds, phonological categorization, hearing loss, the neurobiology of audition and speech processing, and the development of perceptual categories via unsupervised learning.

Language, Attention, and Memory Lab

Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences, Auburn University
Director: Dr. Susan Teubner-Rhodes
Affiliated Graduate Program: Ph.D. in Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences

The Language, Attention, and Memory (LAM) Lab investigates the cognitive and neural mechanisms that support language processing under conditions of uncertainty, when communication is most likely to break down. Research in the LAM lab uses converging behavioral (choice reaction time, preferential looking, eye tracking) and neuroimaging (fMRI, DTI) techniques. These techniques are used to explore individual differences in domain-general cognitive functions, such as working memory, cognitive control, and persistence, in order to observe how they influence language processing across the lifespan.

Hearing and Attention Lab

Department of Psychology, Clarkson University
Director: Dr. Lauren Petley

At the Hearing and Attention Lab, we study how auditory perception interacts with cognitive mechanisms like language perception, executive function and selective attention, using behavioral and ERP research methods. In addition to basic research conducted directly in our lab, we engage in collaborations to understand clinical impairments whose origins lie at the intersection of these systems, like childhood listening difficulties and poor language skills stemming from premature birth.

Language and Music Cognition Lab

Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, Maryland Science Center, at University of Maryland, College Park
Director: Dr. L. Robert Slevc Petley
Affiliated Program: Cognitive & Behavioral Sciences

Work in our lab aims to better understand humans’ capacity to process complex sound and structure. This includes work focusing specifically on language processing (especially word and sentence production), work focusing specifically on sound and music perception, and work directly comparing linguistic and musical processing.