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APCS Newsletter

Dear Auditory Perception and Cognition Society (APCS) members and friends,

Welcome to the Auditory Perception and Cognition Society newsletter. All members of the APCS community are invited to submit items. A request for newsletter items will be sent by email a week prior to each semi-annual newsletter. Our 22nd Annual Auditory Perception Cognition and Action Meeting in San Francisco on November 16, 2023 was a success, with a wide range of fascinating, high-quality auditory talks.

Below is our society newsletter, summarizing the meeting and providing society news in three sections:

1. Journal Update and Request for Manuscripts.
2. Upcoming Election of APCS Board Positions.
3. APCAM 2024 Call for Abstracts

1. Journal Update and Request for Manuscripts.

(Courtesy of Michael Hall and Michael Russell, the AP&C journal’s Co-Editors,)

Readership for our APCS-affiliated journal, Auditory Perception & Cognition (AP&C), continues to grow. According to the most recent quarterly report, Q1 in 2024 saw 4,664 downloads, up more than 39% from Q1 in 2023, more than 90% from Q1 in 2022, and nearly 390% from Q1 in 2021. Open-access (OA) papers are doing particularly well, with several articles receiving thousands of views (for a maximum of > 4,600 views). OA charges continue to far undercut the vast majority of journals (currently < $700 US with your APCS membership, which reduces OA charges by 25%, relative to $3,295 currently for original research appearing in Frontiers in Psychology). Citations of AP&C articles are increasing, thanks in part to PsycINFO indexing, and the publisher is currently evaluating and pursuing additional indexing opportunities.

All of these signs of growth will further accelerate with a steadier stream of submissions. This is where you can help. Now is a great time to submit a manuscript for publication consideration! It is clear that a strong and growing AP&C readership would await the work, and should you be seeking an OA journal option, you can save a good bit of money in the process too. Of course, non-OA papers can be published in the journal without incurring any fees. Also, keep in mind that brief reports are automatically welcomed at AP&C based upon any of your work that you present at APCAM.

2. Upcoming Election of APCS Board Positions.

This fall there will be an election for two board member positions of the Auditory Perception and Cognition Society: Secretary and Treasurer. Start thinking about it now, and you'll be ready when the call for nominations is sent around.

3. APCAM 2024 Call for Abstracts

(Courtesy of Timothy Hubbard, Chair, Organizing Committee, timothyleehubbard@gmail.com)

Call for Abstracts

23rd Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM 2024)

(abstract submission is now closed)

The 23rd annual Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM) will occur on Thursday, November 21, 2024. We would like to invite you to contribute your work on any aspect of auditory science to APCAM 2024, which will occur in New York City, USA at the same venue as and immediately before the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society.

The goal of APCAM is to bring together researchers from different perspectives to present focused research on auditory cognition, perception, and aurally guided action. To support this, APCAM’s Organizing Committee welcomes submissions on a wide variety of empirical, theoretical, and methodological topics in auditory science, including but not limited to:

  • Auditory memory and imagery
  • Auditory scene analysis; object, event, and pattern perception
  • Aurally guided action and navigation
  • Comparative auditory processing
  • Cross-modal correspondences and multisensory integration
  • Healthy vs. disordered hearing and hearing loss
  • Language learning, processing, and development
  • Sound localization, source identification, and motion perception
  • Music perception, cognition, and performance
  • Pitch, loudness, and timbre perception
  • Speech perception and production
  • Temporal processing, timing, and attention

Submissions should include an abstract of 300 words or less, the title of the presentation, names and affiliations for all contributing authors as they should appear in the conference program, e-mail contact information for the primary/submitting author, and whether a spoken or poster presentation is preferred. The committee will try to accommodate presentation preferences, though it may not be possible to honor all preferences. If there are more accepted abstracts with a spoken presentation preference than available presentation slots, preference will be given to presentations judged to represent the strongest contributions, as well as to authors who did not deliver a spoken presentation at APCAM 2023. You may submit only one presentation as first/presenting author, but you can co-author as many presentations as you wish.

Abstract submission opened July 15, 2024. All abstracts were submitted online by following the “Submit an Abstract” link on the APCAM tab of the Auditory Perception and Cognition Society (APCS) website (https://apcsociety.org/apcam-submit.html). The deadline for abstract submission was September 15, 2024. Authors will be notified about the status of their submission within 3 weeks after the submission deadline.

To support the mission of APCAM, APCS, and the affiliate journal Auditory Perception & Cognition (AP&C), there is a registration fee for 40 USD for PhD professionals and 30 USD for graduate students (the registration fee is waived for undergraduate students). In addition to providing access to APCAM materials, the registration fee includes a one-year membership to APCS, an individual subscription to AP&C, and reduced open-access publication fees for AP&C. For more details about APCS membership, see https://apcsociety.org/membership.html.

Presenters at APCAM 2024 can submit a brief report based on their presentation for consideration for publication in a special issue of AP&C. Such reports are not to be confused with traditional conference proceedings (i.e., they are longer [10-15 APA-formatted pages for the main text] and are peer-reviewed), but like traditional conference proceedings, would not preclude submission of an expanded paper to AP&C or another journal at a later time. For more information on AP&C or the special issue, contact Michael Hall (email: hallmd@jmu.edu) or Mike Russell (email: mirussell@bellevue.edu).

As always, please share this information about APCAM with colleagues who might be interested. We look forward to receiving your submission and seeing you at the meeting.

Leah Fostick
Chair, APCS